Please don't forget to forward a list of the names and phone numbers of all the people attending this special day to our parish office by email at [email protected] at least one week before your child's selected date.
Due to social distancing requirements, only 10 people in total are permitted. Be sure to include the parents and your child in this 10.
Should the guidelines change and we have less restrictions, the seating of your family and guests will change and we will email you.
This craft was completed during your Retreat Day. The banner that you and your child created will be used as the reserved sign on your pew the day your child celebrates the Sacrament of First Communion. Please bring this with you. Please make sure your child’s first and last name are on the back of the banner.
You may take a photo of your child receiving Communion. If you wish to do this, please designate someone in your group to take this photo. When you arrive we will give directions to this person on where to stand to take a good photo. There will be an opportunity for a family photo to be taken at the end of Mass.
Depending on your child, they might be excited, nervous, timid, or scared for their First Communion. That's OK and that's normal.
Here are some tips to make the day less nervous and more exciting: