Registration for 1st Confession (Reconciliation) will open again on January 25th, 2022. Selection of 1st Communion celebration dates (after completion of preparation and celebration of 1st confession) will be available after February 15th, 2022.
Selection of 1st Communion celebration dates (after completion of preparation and celebration of 1st confession) will be available after February 15th, 2022.
The short answer is no. HOWEVER: You do need to sign them up for a communion date and they might benefit from a brief refresher at your discretion. Please fill out this brief form for next steps so that we can get you signed up for a celebration date: (jotform link here)
They will need to be baptised first and have some brief instruction so they are aware of what is happening. If they are age 7 or younger please fill out this form here. They will need to be baptised before they register for 1st communion. If they are age 8 or older please fill out this form . Because your child is past the age when communion is normally celebrated, they will have the benefit of receiving 3 sacraments at once (baptism, 1st communion and confirmation). Once the form is filled out, Katherine Marsh (pastoral/youth minister) will reach out as to next steps. We are excited for your family!!!
Presently, because of the situation with Covid-19, Bishop Fabbro has dispensed Catholics from their obligation to attend Mass on Sundays. (This may change as time goes on). That being said - even under normal circumstances we aren't taking attendance or "checking up on you". We are however joyfully inviting you to attend Mass with your children. For your child to really understand the full scope of WHO they are receiving, and their own responsibility to offer worship on Sundays, it is of huge benefit and importance to experience regular Sunday Mass as a family! We also hope you will find a JOY-FILLED, PEACE CREATING, WELCOMING atmosphere at any of our parishes! This may be the opportunity you've been looking for to really nourish the part of your soul longing for fulfilment that can only be found in Jesus! For a quick video on why Mass is an obligation and / or if you are struggling with the idea of regular attendance at Mass check out: Motivation to go to Mass? by Fr. Mike Schmitz or The Mass by Chris Stefanick.
Confession registration is required FIRST because the sacrament is supposed to be celebrated before 1st Communion. Everyone who is / was registered for 1st Confession/Reconciliation will receive an email on February 15th, 2022 using the information you provided at registration with date selection for the celebration of 1st Communion. If you do not receive this email - you may have entered something incorrectly at registration. Please email Katherine Marsh [email protected] to forward you the link.
We are happy to make appropriate accomodations for children with special needs. For those who are on the autistic spectrum and/or those who are non verbal we even have an alternate preparation with a sensory kit that we can loan you. We are happy to also give your child some "practice hosts" that are not yet consecrated so they have the opportunity to taste and feel what communion will be like. Katherine Marsh is also an Elementary certified teacher with the Ontario College of Teachers and would be happy to speak about personalized plans / accomodations based on your childs needs. Simply outline them in the space provided at registration or contact Katherine at [email protected].
If that would make better sense for your child and your family absolutely. Just be sure to register again next year and indicate what part of the preparation program your child has already completed so they will not need to redo it.
Children/parents who desire french instruction and/or celebration of the sacraments in french who live in Windsor yet do not belong to our Family of Parishes - may prepare with us and celebrate their sacraments at St-Jérôme. (St-Jérôme is responsible for most french speaking schools in Windsor) OTHERWISE we require that you belong to either St-Jérôme, Ste Anne, Good Shepherd or St. Simon & St. Jude parishes (or at least reside in their geographic boundaries) to prepare and celebrate the sacraments with us. Because we have a very large parish family and limited human resources we encourage everyone to seek the sacraments from their own parish.
All information pertaining to Covid protocols, the basics of HOW to celebrate the sacrament with your child, where to sit, what to do etc... are explained in the course of our online preparation program. This is why it is important to complete the online preparation WITH your child. A small note: proof of vacination is not required to attend Mass, there will be limited seating reserved near the front of the Church for your immediate family and 4 additional guests. Other guests can register for Mass using Flocknote. Information will be provided by email. Seating is limited based on present government regulations and social distancing of 6ft between households. Masks are required to be worn at all times, even while seated - with the exception of consuming the Eucharist (communion). Livestreaming of the communion celebrations will happen at all Masses for those who cannot be in attendance.