We love you and we are here for you. If you need help from our staff or preists, or have questions, please contact the parish office by email at [email protected] or by phone at (519) 735-9517. We are here to support you during this time.
If you are in need of help to do your daily activities, we want to connect you to the right people. In order not to duplicate the services already available in the community, we have listed local organizations that can provide this help.
If you wish to donate food, see below for local food banks,
ordering with store pickup, or delivery; Check their websites for more information.
St Vincent de Paul: Good Shepherd Conference
To donate financially, please make cheque out to “Good Shepherd St. Vincent de Paul” and mail to: c/o Steve Freeman, 1135 Rendezvous Drive, Windsor, ON N8P 1K6
To drop off food donation or have it picked up, call Steve at 519-984-8458.
Community Support Center
In need of food, specifically peanut butter, cereal, jam.
Phone: 519-728-1435 x204 for more information and to arrange drop off.
Street Help
In need of food donations and donations. You can donate funds online or food by calling 519-977-9200.
Downtown Windsor Mission
Providing food to Windsor's most vulnerable. Call 519-973-5573 to arrange food donations or visit their website to donate online.
Drouillard Place
Food donations are needed as they serve the Drouillard and Grandview communities. Call 519-253-1073 for more information and to arrange food donations or donate funds online.
The Welcome Centre Shelter
Supporting women and families, food is needed at this location. Call 519-971-7595 to arrange drop-off or visit their website to donate online.
Unemployed Help Centre
Call 519-944-4900 to help donate food or visit their website to donate funds online.